Kappa Alpha Psi Paddles & Plaques

Quality and style come together in Kappa Alpha Psi plaques and paddles from Greek U. The customized designs are perfect for commemorating a special event, such as the founding of your group or the leadership of an exceptional president. Plaques are often used to memorialize special people while paddles make a more traditional gift for incoming members, graduating seniors or the chartering of a chapter. At Greek U, we make it easy to capture all of your fraternity’s important moments with custom Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity paddles and plaques. Order one of our pre-made designs or create your own with your group’s Greek letters, year of establishment, crest or other features. Our plaques and paddles are made from real wood and are handcrafted. They arrive ready to hang on the wall and all of our custom wood products make excellent gifs.