Our Go-To Breakfast Recipes
A good breakfast can help get you ready to meet the day ahead. It's especially important when you are a college student doing extracurriculars like sorority and fraternity activities in addition to classes. Here are a few go to breakfast recipes that will have you energized and ready for the day of classes and evening of Greek functions. They will only take you about 15 to 20 minutes to make; the time it takes to hop into the shower and get dressed.
Yummy Frittata
A frittata is basically an egg dish that sounds complicated, but is actually very easy to make. Crack a few eggs in an oiled pot that is oven safe. Whip it together lightly. Then add whatever you like, whether it is spinach, broccoli, tomato, cheese, mushrooms, or any other topping. Mix things up a little more, spray with some olive oil and let it bake for about 15 minutes.
Avocado on Toast
Avocadoes are considered a superfood because they contain so many good nutrients, like potassium, vitamin B-6, and vitamin C. It’s also so simple to prepare when perfectly ripe. And that is important when you are a busy college student. Spreading some avocado on toast is a great way to start your day. Cut half of an avocado, spoon it out, and use a fork to chop it up with a bit of salt.
Be sure to add plenty of toppings -- whatever you have in the fridge. That might be feta cheese crumbles, cherry tomatoes, or banana slices if you like things a little sweet.
Yogurt Smoothie
If you want to keep your digestive system as healthy as possible, you might need to add probiotics to your diet. A smoothie made with probiotic-rich yogurt is just the thing.
Add about half of your favorite yogurt flavor to your smoothie cup. Keep frozen fruits in your freezer and add about a half of those to your cup along with some ice to make a yogurt smoothie. This is a quick, cold breakfast you can enjoy while walking to class or a sorority recruitment event.
Hash Brown Potatoes (Optional Fried Egg)
This is a good breakfast recipe to make if you have an air fryer in your dorm. Take a few small potatoes and shred them on a cheese shredder. Place the potatoes on aluminum foil inside of the air fryer. Add olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and any other seasonings you prefer. Place them in the air fryer on medium for about 10 to 15 minutes or until they are roasted to your liking. You might decide to add a fried egg on top about 10 minutes in and keep cooking. It's a quick, simple breakfast that will provide you with necessary nutrients and energy.
Grits and Veggies
Grits, sometimes called “polenta,” are a popular breakfast food in the South. They are very filling and great for adding additional ingredients for nutrition. Use quick grits, which only take about five minutes to make. Add a little butter, some cheese, mushrooms, broccoli, spinach or whatever you like to start your morning.
It isn't always realistic to prepare a full breakfast for yourself when you are in college and living the dorm life. But if you have a little time, these are some great go-to breakfast ideas—simple suggestions for how you can eat healthy first thing in the morning.
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